KEEP - Vegan Shoes
Esta semana fui, a convite da 69 SLAM no C. Comercial Vasco da Gama, conhecer uma marca de sapatos desportivos totalmente Vegan - a Keep. Gostei dos modelos apresentados para a colecção Outono/Inverno'13 e gostei do conceito. Os sapatos/ténis Keep são compostos por materiais naturais e orgânicos, e de fabrico artesanal e tradicional, respeitando a natureza e recusando ao "uso" de animais. Yes! O resultado? Calçado muito original e confortável, e com detalhes étnicos muito singulares. Eu já tenho os meus e estou completamente fã! Agora só faltam vocês. Keep it Vegan!
This week, and invited by the store 69 SLAM, I went to try the new Vegan shoes by Keep. I loved all the shoes of the Autum/Winter'13 collection, and I also loved its concept. All Keep products are vegan and cruelty-free, no animals were harmed when making these shoes, and always using natural, organic, and sustainably-grown materials. The result? Original and comfortable shoes, with ethnic and handicrafted details. I already have mine and I've became a big fan! What about You? Keep it Vegan!
So here are my new "babies"!
Belos padrões :)