Spring/Summer 2013 Statement Jewellery

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À tendência de Inverno "the more the better" segue-se a tendência "the bigger the better" para a Primavera/Verão 2013. Quando se trata de acessórios, estes querem-se grandes e vistosos, e a escolha entre brincos, colares ou pulseiras, fica ao critério de cada um, dependendo dos gostos. A minha preferência vai, sem dúvida, para as pulseiras. E quanto a Vocês? Vão aderir à tendência dos acessórios oversized?

Following the Winter trend "the more the better", is the trend "the bigger the better" that will be hot for next season - Spring/Summer 2013. When it comes to accessories, they must be big and flashy, and the choice between earrings, necklaces or bracelets it's up to You, depending on Your preferences. I choose the bracelets, no doubt about it. And what about You? Are You going to follow the oversized accessories trend?





Source: VOGUE UK

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