O meu post de hoje vai para o site da Hermès. Já tiveram a oportunidade de o visitar? A imagem do site é muito cool e bem diferente do usual. Adorei a forma como a Hermès joga com as images das malas, dos lenços e dos acessórios, juntamente com vários tipos de ilustrações. Asseguro-vos de que prende a atenção e nos leva a ter vontade de pesquisar um pouco mais o site. No entanto, achei a boutique on-line pobre, especialmente no que respeita às roupas e aos sapatos. Tirem uns minutos e visitem o site. Deixo-vos algumas imagens do que poderão ver...
Today, my post goes to Hermès site. Have you already seen it? The site image is so cool and so different from the usual. I just love the way Hermès plays with the images of their bags, scarves and all of the items along with several illustrations. It definitely catches your attention and leads you to feel like searching more of the site links. However, in my opinion, the on-line boutique is a litlle bit poor specially concerning clothes and shoes. Take a few minutes and visit the site. Here are some images of what you will see...
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play this game and find out your best score |
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make a puzzle and enjoy it |
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I am a horse video. So funny! Watch it here |
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