LONGCHAMP Press Day Fall 2013
Nunca falto aos "Press Days" da Longchamp e venho sempre encantada com todas as novidades. Adoro os acessórios da marca, e em especial as malas. Adoro-as a todas, embora não possa deixar de confessar que a 3D é a minha mala preferida no momento, e que já entrou directamente para a minha wishlist. É simplesmente linda, e tem o design perfeito! Concordam? Agradou-me igualmente o facto de constatar que cores como o vermelho, os azuis ou o taupe, vão "marcar pontos" na próxima estação. Melhor? ImpossÃvel!
Ficam algumas das fotos que tirei enquanto estive no showroom...
I never miss Longchamp "Press Days" and I always get enchanted with all the news. I'm a big fan of Longchamp accessories, and I get crazy about the handbags. I love them all, but I confess that my favourite at the moment is the 3D, that has already entered my wishlist. The 3D is simply amazing and with the perfect design! Don't You think so? I am also pleased to see that colours like red, blues or taupe are going to be big hits for next season. Better than this? Impossible! So, here are some photos that I took while at the showroom....
I never miss Longchamp "Press Days" and I always get enchanted with all the news. I'm a big fan of Longchamp accessories, and I get crazy about the handbags. I love them all, but I confess that my favourite at the moment is the 3D, that has already entered my wishlist. The 3D is simply amazing and with the perfect design! Don't You think so? I am also pleased to see that colours like red, blues or taupe are going to be big hits for next season. Better than this? Impossible! So, here are some photos that I took while at the showroom....
João Libério, eu e a 3D!
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